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When we were children, having fun was our biggest priority. Remember those days? We'd get our fun-fill from riding our bike hands-free, falling off, seeing who could stuff the most number of Twinkies in their gob at once...

Geez you fall over a lot when you're a kid.

Fast forward to present-day adulthood and having fun isn't on our radar. Work commitments, mortgages and other such adult life endeavours squeeze the fun juice out of us until we dismiss it as something only children can indulge in. Which is sad, don't you think?

How about we declare this year the Year of Having Fun. More fun at home, more fun with our style, more FUN every day. Because, well, why not?

Since I'm no longer in to stuffing Twinkies in my gob, I've devised a list of silly nonsense I'm going to get up to in order to increase my daily fun factor:

  • Eat mash potato with my index finger. Lick each fingerfull slowly, like a softserve.
  • Create alter egos for my cat and dog. British,, cockney to be precise. Adopt their alter egos and swear a lot.
  • Skip down the street. I dare you to skip without laughing.
You get the idea.

Of course, research suggests a more official list of ways to enjoy ourselves more:

Be present

The reason children have fun is because they are completely and utterly tuned into whatever they are doing. We, on the other hand, generally suck at this because we're addicted to thinking about what we have to do later today, tomorrow, next week.

Embrace your flaws
It's not easy to have fun in the moment when you're thinking about your cellulite, now is it?

Get dirty
Why are adults so obsessed with being clean?

Break your rules when you feel like it

Learn to say no to shit you really don't want to do
